You can post your event once in our calendar network for free. If you would like your event to appear on multiple calendars in our system, then you can upgrade your event to be syndicated across our network of event calendars.
If you are on a page that shows offers to pay, look to the side or scroll down and you will see the option for "Continue for Free".
Your free event will only display on a calendar that matches with the location you entered for the venue AND the category selected for your event. When you enter the venue address, you will be notified as to whether or not your event will post on the site or be sent to another calendar in our network (usually our global calendar).
When you are ready to submit a completed event form, you will be asked to select for a paid marketing plan or the free option. When selecting "Free" you will be shown what calendar will be used for your event submission. If this is the calendar you are intending to post to, then you can click the green button to post your event for free.