When you upgrade to a 'Featured Event', your event will be created as a full event on a details page, profiled on the home page of the events calendar and also as 'Featured' on the category of the event is submitted to.
- Featured on the home page
- Featured on the category page
- Featured on the content widgets that sit on editorial pages.
All featured events link back to the full details page to ensure customers get the full information relating to the event.
Featured Event -
Here is an example of a featured events section on Home Page of an events calendar - here you will see all featured events from all categories rotating - https://www.metro.us/events/new-york-events
I Don't See My Event Featured
Please note a featured event shares the space at the top of the calendar with other featured events on the site. The more popular a site is, the more events will be featured there. We select different events to be shown in the featured spot the first time a user loads the page. You will see a new batch of event every so often when you come back to visit the calendar throughout the day. As your event gets closes to the start date, it is more likely to be selected to be loaded into that spot.
Featured Event - Category
Category specific featured events appear here, so expect to see specific events for food, sports, music...
Details Page
All featured events lead to your full details page which ensures your consumer, soon to be customer can get all the details they need to discover your event and book.
Content Widgets
As an extension to the calendar we supply content widgets that allow the publisher to present relevant local events on relevant content and categories through out the site. Your featured events will appear on these very targeted and relevant pages as part of your premium placement.
The widgets can be placed on the right rail along side relevant content and articles.
They can also go across the page in a landscape format.