If you are experiencing an unidentified issue in a web browser then we can learn a lot about the issue if you send us a copy of the text in your browser console log. This can be found in any browser, typically in the "Developer" menu item when you are using the browser.
Before you send us the console log, make sure you are using a Chrome browser and try to recreate the error. Stay on the page that has the error and open the console log.
How to open the console log in Chrome:
- Click on the browser "View" menu
- Select "Developer"
- Select "JavaScript Console"
Once you are viewing the console log text, simply click and drag to highlight the text, then select "Edit" from the menu and select "copy"
As an example, the text may look something like this:
(index):242 Uncaught ReferenceError: _bwtp is not defined
at (index):242
(anonymous) @ (index):242
(index):1422 Uncaught ReferenceError: _bwtp is not defined
at (index):1422
(anonymous) @ (index):1422
Send us this text in your support request. It may look like a bunch of non-sense, but this can help us quickly identify the issue and send a fix if available.