Images are a critical part of expressing the story about your event. Our calendars will show the first image you enter. However, if you submit more than one image the system will identify the image that is closest to a landscape image with a 16X9 aspect ratio.
Only PNG or JPEG files will be accepted. We cannot accept PDF uploads. If you have a PDF you want to use then open the PEF and take a screenshot and use the screenshot as your image.
- Recommended Image Size
- Images will be cropped
- Uploading Multiple Images
- I don't have an image
- How to Add Images
- I have a flyer but it will not attach
Recommended Image Size
Recommended size for the first image is a landscape image with a 16X9 aspect ratio. This means that a 1600x900 pixel or 800x450 pixel image would fit exactly in the viewing space. Any image size is accepted, but larger file sizes cause issues so please keep image file sizes less than 2 MB. Images should be either .jpg or .png formats.
Images Will be Cropped
Images will always be cropped from center to show as a 16X9 landscape image. If the image is too tall, then we will center the image and crop the top and bottom. If the image is too wide, then we will center the image and crop the sides. For example, if the image is 1600x1000 pixels, then the height being 100 pixels higher than a 16x9 ratio, this would mean the top 50 pixels and the bottom 50 pixels would be cropped to fit the image in the viewing window.
Crop your own image to grab the section of the image you would like to show.
- View the photo, flyer, or logo on your computer.
- Your image viewer may have a "crop" option and you can crop and save your image.
- Alternate option: your computer has a screenshot feature. While viewing the image you can capture the ideal rectangular section of your event image.
- Edit your event, remove the existing image and then upload your new cropped image.
Uploading Multiple Images
If you have uploaded multiple images then our system may automatically pick a photo that fits well. In most cases, the first image you upload will appear on your listing. If the first photo is not close to a 16x9 ratio and another photo is, then our system may pick that to be the main photo for your listing on our calendars.
If you are upgrading your event then providing images of different shapes & sizes will allow us to pick the best option for the different sites to which we will post your event. If you provide multiple images then our system will pick the first image or the one that is closest to the 16X9 aspect ratio.
I Don't Have an Image
If an image is required and you do not have one, we recommending finding a royalty free image via this Google Image Search. If you do not provide an image with your event then our system will pick one randomly from our stock black and white images. If you need an image now, you can right-click on either image below and select "Save image". Then you can use that image for your event submission.
How to Add Images
The "Quick Form" is the default event form and will only allow 5 images to be added. You can add up to a total of ten images in the "Advanced Form" using the button on the top left side of the submission form.
When viewing the "Images" section, simply grab any files from your computer and drag & drop them into the appropriate area. Any photos accidentally added may be removed from the listing by clicking the red "X" to the right side of the box for that image. You may add up to 10 images. The images are automatically saved to your event in the order they are added. You cannot reorder the images. You can remove images and resubmit them in the order you'd like them presented.
I have a flyer but it will not attach
It is likely that your flyer is in a format that is not accepted. The image section will only accept .png or .jpg file types. It is likely that your flyer is a PDF and so it cannot be uploaded. Our event form cannot accept attachments. If you would like to upload a view of your flyer, you can open the file on your computer and take a screen shot of part or all of the flyer and upload that screenshot. You can search online for how to take a screenshot on your device.