Once you have access to your Evvnt report, we will have begun the process of sending your content out to our network of publisher sites. The "Status" column within your Publisher Breakdown helps you keep track of the content we have delivered to each media publisher.
Each publisher in the Status column is flagged based on the status of the event promotion.
- Promoting - We are working to distribute your event.
- Promoted - Your event has been successfully distributed to the site, though it may be pending editorial approval.
- Promoted - Your event has been successfully distributed to the site and there is a direct link available.
- Featured - Your event has been featured on the publisher's site.
After your content is sent to a publisher, it will show as either 'In Moderation' or 'Promoted'. This means the content is sent to the site and is either already published or about to be.
You may see an icon with an arrow next to the "Promoted" message. This icon indicates that you can click to find a direct link to your event. Sometimes it might take a bit for us to have this link in our system. Remember, even if a direct link isn't ready yet, people can still find your event by browsing the site.
For those sites which you have upgraded Feature Premium you will also see a 'Featured' status that is clickable.
How We Post Your Event
We have both automatic and manual processes for sending your event to multiple listing sites. Automatic submissions will post immediately (within minutes). Manual submissions may be reported as "promoted" after it has been submitted to a site. Please note that there can be a moderation period on those sites that we do not control nor have insight into how long it takes for them to be posted. We cannot account for editorial decisions to block or remove our posts of your event on a site in our network.
Report Sites With Missing Events
Click the "gear" icon next to the name of any site to report a problem with that site. We will investigate and either remove it from our network or update the configuration so that we can continue posting to these sites on your behalf. Click the 'gear' icon and select "Report a Problem" to alert us about any publisher that is not behaving as expected.