When you need to cancel, reschedule, or postpone your event you will need to communicate this to ticket holders before any refunds should be issued. Refunding tickets is non-reversible. Here are some recommendations for communicating your event changes to customers if you have decided that you will cancel or postpone / reschedule your event.
Unpublish the event
To stop any ticket sales on your event you can "Unpublish". Click on "Events" in the navigation menu and locate the event. If the current status of your event is "Published" then you can click the '3-dots' menu and and select "Unpublish".
Emailing Ticket Buyers about Cancellations
If your organization has made a final decision to cancel or postpone an event then you will first want to communicate this to ticket buyers directly. You can click on "Emails" in the navigation menu to create an email to send to all current ticket holders for an event (it will not send if the customer's order has been refunded). The email to any ticket holders that order has not been refunded. It is critical to provide contact information for those that will have questions so they can reach your directly. We also recommended that you set expectations for rescheduling and requests for refunds.
Rescheduling an Event
If you plan to let ticket buyers use their current tickets for your new event then you can edit the event's date from the "Edit" page. When you go to edit the event, look for the date and click the '3-dots' menu and you can edit that date to something in the future. The option to edit will not exist if your event date is in the past.
IMPORTANT: Once an event’s date has passed, you won’t be able to edit it. If the date isn’t updated before it passes, all orders and tickets will stay with that event unless you manually move them to a new event. If you don’t have a new date yet, set the event to private and update the title and description to show it’s being rescheduled and a new date will be provided soon. You can also change the date to a future one to keep the event open and prevent tickets and orders from being locked to the old date.